visuallyminded: i am marvelled by your comment, presuming you don’t understand portuguese nor attempted to translate the sentence! it means i managed to put across what i intended to express through the image alone. the title’s “this evening” and the sentence means something like this: “i wish i could take this moment as one picks a photograph and staple it here.” many thanks!
Agrafar não sei… deixar marcado acho que podes… para sempre.
🙂 bolas, estou sem palavras. Pena a São (ou Maria, como queiras) já ter ido embora =)*
love this! so tender and romantic and yet so grainy; great contrast!
Excellent B&W, nice crop!
Oh rapaz! Tão romantico!!!
Tens que aprender a defender-te!… LOL;)
paulo ribeiro
visuallyminded: i am marvelled by your comment, presuming you don’t understand portuguese nor attempted to translate the sentence! it means i managed to put across what i intended to express through the image alone. the title’s “this evening” and the sentence means something like this: “i wish i could take this moment as one picks a photograph and staple it here.” many thanks!
nikita: 🙂
há momentos em que fico em silêncio, como aconteceu neste preciso à tanto tempo atrás.
hoje olhei-te de novo aqui e voltei a ficar em silêncio, quis que o soubesses mesmo que to fale baixinho.